Things we knew:
- a murder of crows
- Flemish bond and English bond are terms used in bricklaying
- Dangermouse lived in Baker Street
- Dagger, candlestick, revolver, rope, lead pipe
- John Craven
- Korean War
Things we didn’t (but googled afterwards using 3G technology):
- Lusitania was the Roman province corresponding to Portugal
- Eddie Weiss, born in Romainia in 1873, was also known as Harry Houdini
- Serena Williams’ sportswear range
- Bridgetown is the capital of Barbados
- There are three chance squares on a Monopoly board
Also, for a quiz at the Black Lion, I thought “Slack Brian” might have had a chance for best team name, but you know whatever. Third place, though, team of two, credit where it’s due.